thirty nine yes because to become the roles you are now you had to become a discord staff member so you’re staff
id consider you staff since you show up under the #staff channel in discord
thirty seven
thirty one
wooo even tho I never played glad it’s back and improved
im ok I think I’m sick tho
how r u
now’s the time for everyone to buy cotton candy
IGN: twxntyonepilots Discord: trinity#0668 Task: 7 Proof: TASK SUBMISSION APPROVED - boba
IGN (In-Game Name): twxntyonepilots Discord Name and Tag (i.e Name#0001): trinity#0668 Task Number (i.e for Day 1, you write 1): 6 Proof of task...
once my debit card arrives i got u
@mattenphew isnt as fun to bully as you
so excited for this event <3