Why does this not show up as implemented? They changed it to sharp 3
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: popthingi100 The offender's exact ingame name: trentyy...
Support, looks awesome when i saw it on creative.
it is public now @Prim
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: popthingi100 The offender's exact ingame name:...
Honestly, I don’t know if this was intentional or by accident but when you are in water and bedrock is beneath you, you don’t lose any hp. I think...
Support, I dont understand why people even go to that camping spot on that map, there are so many other spots to go to.
Skygrid was one of the best gamemodes on mineverse, Im going to be honest i see no reason why it was removed from mineverse. It was active, fun...
Support, the new alpha zombie system sucks.
No support, sometimes the console falsely bans people, if i get banned from the console i dont want to get banned on the whole server.
Recently, on infection alpha zombies were buffed from a sharpness 2 iron sword to a sharpness 4 iron sword, that is about as strong as a sharpness...
no support, survival is dead.
The map looks nice but, no support, it looks way to human based.
Support, good map
Support %100
So if you are OG you will remember that in the old infection standing on bedrock did damage to zombies and humans, for some reason though this was...
No support, Kit god is balanced as it is.
In my opinion Blocks vs Zombies was one of the best gamemode's on mineverse, there aren't many servers that have blocks vs zombies anymore so...