How will this ruin the game? Zombies back in the day didn't stand a chance against Titans mainly because zombies were very weak. Now however,...
No, that is not what i meant at all, what i meant is that you need to try and look at this thread from all perspectives. I do not expect you to...
If you are a god rank or below and you are no supporting this, take a moment to think about how your opinion would change if you were a titan rank.
Like what else can they buff?
@Carbonyx any reason to no support?
On infection, kit titan is literally the same kit as old kit god before it got nerfed. I believe that a rank that costs $150 should get more then...
They are back now
Another amazing update
No support. You didn't put any effort into your mod app almost like you dont care.
This is actually a great suggestion! I have never thought of this. But I do suggest that depending on the rank you are you get a either bigger or...
Didn’t u already make this a submission? Support anyway, love it!
JustExposed egging someone in a nutshell: [MEDIA]
haha you are so funny
what did u report me for this time xD, i didnt get a warning for it but when i looked my name up on the search bar it shows another report from u....
Can you send me the link :P
lmao, i change my mind. He is still toxic, i dont forgive him.
thanks lol
I forgive you, I hope you really do try and change.
First profile message