what an idiot
IGN (In-Game Name): Houzo Discord Name and Tag (i.e Name#0001): houzo#9999 Task Number (i.e for Day 1, you write 1): 2 Proof of task completion...
hi oofmannnnnnnn welcomes to mineverse!
slayful update < 3
hiiiii welcome back!!!
IGN (In-Game Name): Houzo Discord Name and Tag (i.e Name#0001): houzo#9999 Task Number (i.e for Day 1, you write 1): 1 Proof of task completion...
another slayful update :cake:
wont let me rate this so I'm leaving a comment expressing my thanks :winner:
slayed this
abolish the whole expiry thing
Yeah, complete side notes from the actual thread but I don't really think that is a good thing that they do expire..
new pfp thanks @NoHarmNoFoul
question - are claims meant to expire over a period of time or was that a bug? @rent can attest to myself being griefed as a result of my land not...
trying to copy sb hmm : ? i support
welcome backkkk!!!! What do you play?
changed my mind - promote this guy to head mod
aye congrats to the winners - i do agree, that new graphic is very epic
pro update