who wanna join
your in game name :mili20 the offender s in game name:JahJah8oh8 what rule they broke: hacking:kill aura screenshots/evidence :[media]
Your ingame name:mili20 The offender's ingame name : L2013738 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:spamming Evidence/screenshots.
my video cant upload
Your ingame name:mili20 The offender's ingame name:Antvenom450 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:tp trapping...
Your ingame name:mili20 The offender's ingame name:xxBekillinxx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:fake aucs...
Your ingame name:batleship3 Moderator name:MrBeefCak3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:he bann me for disrespect but he...
kk im not goot at english so im not good in grammer
that where rage jks
lol jks
before i was swearing but in like 1 month i dont do anymore
OMG its not my fhould i dont have good grammer im from belgium i speak dutch and i never swear anymore or rage that was before
kk but idk what more
srry but that are the questions
How old are you? 11 Your in-game name: mili20 What timezone are you in? GMT+1 What country do you live in? belgium What languages do you speak?...
its the same as before but with a pickaxe
on factions p III dia armor / sharp IV fire II kb II / 8 ender pearls/ 16 beef / an diamond pickaxe eff IV
is there gnna be a reset and when cause i wanna know for doing a drop party on factions plzz any MOD answer