Just any 5 ratings simplifies it. Not really if it's limited. If so, a seperate tab on profiles for ratings? Divided by date.
Why not just limit the number of ratings a user can give out a day or something. Say 4. And if 3 of those 4 go to the same player, rate abuse?
Well it is just simple mathematics. You only need to put in a few numbers then calculate. And that system I created is not bias, unless ratings...
Where did that rating go?
I've cleaned up my suggestion. Formulas 1. a=40(r/24) 2. a=2.5(r/d) 3. a=6(d/7) If ANY ONE of those formulas equal 5 or more, then the...
Active on the forums only.
It's easier to do with my formulas since I have tweaked the amount of ratings needed in the 2nd and 3rd formulas. And it is not bias. I will...
If any of those formulas end up to equal 5 or more than the player is a rate abuser. I'll edit my first post, hold on bby
I explained that in my edit.
Yes. But since there isn't a forums mod rank (atm), I'm applying for just normal mod to only moderate the forums. I'll list more traits. I'm...
Aren't Canadians nice? What happened? • This is definitely exaggeration. But since this sentence says you're truthful, it must also be...
$200. Pre-calculus books. Calculus books. A Klein bottle. UE ROLL.
I'm white (sorry) D2 pawn to D4
/rules - Respect all players. - Don't spam. - Don't advertise other servers. - Don't evade punishments. - Don't share personal info. - Don't...
Just got experienced member :)
It's a generic excuse of resigning to say that you need to fix or improve your life. Anyway, goodbye @MaxNinja10.
Your profile says otherwise? Which is true or are both lies? What is OBS? How can the absence of people make people not friendly? Help what?...