Support! Especially since you seem to be very honest about things, honesty is best policy :p
How about 2 :3
Lol this is why you shouldn't do those yes of glitches. Actions have consequences lol.
I play infection more then any other server, I had my share of lavagurl7's eggs xD. They don't taste good tbh :p
It's only for creative, lol who pvp's on the creative server?
1. This time I think it will take.... 8 minutes.
I know you are, I'm just bored xD
3. I predict that a mod will comment in aproimetely 5 minutes from now
If you watched the movie like when he was I think 10 he was walking in the city with his parents a guy with a pistol confronted, shot both parents...
Well yeah you can be technical and say that those types of things are just you being sarcastic or it's just in game and stuff like that but sadly...
If this is possible to achieve support. Don't make it 1.9 + if it means having to do the same to other pvp servers though.
I remember seeing this map when you were only a quarter way through. Great job on detail! Support ;)
Well if you decide so sure ;). Tbh I was about to buy a 18 dollar anti virus app just to fix it.
It worked :D. Thanks so much Reborn and others for the suggestions! Tbh I was so worried about it. Reborn if you want I dont mind giving you a...
Kk I'll try that. Won't be able to till tomorrow tho cuz I gtg to bed, I'm on phone rn.
Hey, for the past weekend when I decided to click on the "full screen" button in settings it crashed my game and it wont allow me to play any mine...
Ye Ima start a mall map this week.
I think I remember you.. Welcome back! If you don't raining me my former names are as following : Biaminater26, Krazy_Kirby, HaloMasterChef and...
Major support! Never be afraid to hide what you like. It's best to be hated for who you are then to be liked for someone your not. Good luck!
How much of the mv community has left in the past month? MV you have to contain his crisis I don't want mv to run out of players :(