MrParkourGuy join the club! I wasn't there either! So annoying! :eek:
Yes, rachetclanks is right, there's nothing we can really do, i'm afraid you've just given away $250 :rolleyes:
Removing? o_O
I know, I saw your video, did he offer you prot 4? And then he gave you prot 2? Correct I think, i'm not quite sure what to tell you but I...
Just edited it :)
Again! Mineverse has not been around for 2-3 years.
Sorry I sent 2 moderator applications by accident :(
Sorry I had some trouble with posting my threads, Are there anyways to get rid of one of them?
This is not a moderator application, it was made by accident
How old are you? I am 12 years old....
I'm not quite sure what to write...
What titans can do that? :eek:
So he's lying? Lol, wouldn't want to be in his position... :D
Ok, but i'm going to tell you I am actually team with him.. :eek:
Maybe... but I've once killed him in protection 4 armour and stuff... was he hacking then? o_O
Is it really hacking? I mean he is a really good pvpero_O
Look, you probably don't hack so just don't take any notice of him ;)
Its just like hes done it really quickly. Not enough detail and time put into for me...:eek:
I like PIES! Yummy!
No, the screenshot doesn't prove anything about you hacking... :cool: