Thankyou very much for the support, it really is appreciated :cat:, also I am going to add more detail, I know its not as long as others so I'm...
I agree with PixieSkyler, he's using aimbot or killaura,(perhaps both) he's attacking DaddyHF then turns around and when Shonal gets close he...
Lol what is this?! :ah
@Kubasliz. To be honest I've never met you on Mineverse. You seem like a nice person but your moderator application speaks otherwise, no...
Hey guys just read all the comments, the idea of putting it in your crafting section then putting it on when you get to spawn is probably the...
This was 100% no lag, these people were hacking, I just thought i'd send it in as they are probably hacking. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Funnily enough this happened to me today, except it was different, all that happened was I couldn't move and it was something like weakness and...
Jeez, note to self: Change my profile pic, its creeping me out!
Thankyou very much mineterria! :happy: Also just watched some of your videos on YouTube, didn't know u had a channel.
Thankyou for the support :)
I have had the most horrible day, first I lost 300$ in auc scam then I lost 64 gold making gold block then I lost GREAT things on creative!
I agree 100% with this to, but if a new lobby were to be built I would suggest a dark themed lobby as mineverse sounds like it is from outer space.
Ok. Could you ask KewlMcDude to reply to this conversation, (if he's on the forums) then we can get more information on this scamming incident.
Definitely 100% support! I know exactly what its like when you can't see anything to jump to because someone is in the way just there afk! :pomp:
This doesn't give any evidence, why did you pay him anyway? We're you trading with him?
Thats not even him? You must be mistaken with someone else, please ensure you do have the right person in the future, it might cause conflict...
Jeez, now I look at my pic its creeping me out.
I wasn't flipping him off I was just saying like everyone else did this application just needs more information on why he wants to be a moderator,...
Yes, this application needs more information on why you want to be a moderator etc :lol:
Live long and Minecraft on!