Couldn't of said it better myself BlueBerry buddy ;)
Ok. No need to say 'YOU WILL DESTROY ME', but some players say you still hack :/
Sorry no support, needs alot more detail, colour, and why you should you should be a moderator. I hope no grudges fall over this as I will support...
I find the bit saying 'can you beat killer or I in a 1v1?' Funny because for a fact killedlikeaboss (AKA- TnuK or whatever his name is) are the...
I like it :D Would it have its own server button or would it already be on something like park our?
If your really going to report a member of staff, think through it before you do, also MrParkourGuy DOES NOT moderate, so don't accuse...
Guys calm down, rage is not the thing to do, Noobcrew and Cyp are DEFINTLEY trying there best to get it operational, they just want the best for...
Making some threads soon for kit pvp. ;)
Why hello
Wouldn't it be funny if rachet got killed straight away after saying he would definitely win. Only joking rachet I've seen you fight, your very...
Support. :>
Sweet :D <3
Interesting.... but jarroyonaples some may say your really interesting to talk to and your very nice around everyone :>
Thanks rachet, had never been in the dragon, didn't know how :3
Thankyou very much :)
No support. You've hacked in the past ( and you probably still do). Your rude around players and do not think before you say something, becoming a...
Needs more information and detail, perhaps color too. :t: No support until more info and detail! :wacky:
Ohh thank you !
I think blocks vs zombies is being reconstructed, otherwise you'll just have to wait, there probably doing there best to get it running again.