Not quite sure yet but I'll support for now.
I might be interested to trade, I just need to check how much money I actually have on Prison, but, I am saving for Free and I'm very close so...
I don't really know what to say besides he/she was advertising.
Urhhh Simon Pegg
Seriously?! Whats up with everyone leaving?! Why would you ever want to leave Mineverse?!
This happened to me to. I also support Yin's idea, bringing them back to spawn after they log would be a good idea.
More detail would be great! Good luck for the future! ;)
Sorry its because you edited the template and I didn't understand, Support ;) Sorry about that.
Was I not aloud to post that?
Banned for being nice. Banned for getting me to follow you
Ok sorry. Banned for being not thinking (me)
Bubble_kid you really shouldn't post your Guard application in things like this, yes maybe it will get people to look at it but it might decrease...
Banned for being yourself.
Banned for being a Well-Known-Member on the forums.
Banned for replying to my reply.
Yes thank you Laura_or_is_it I've fixed it, thank you for your help everyone :)
Banned for speaking to Layers12 and saying 'banned' in your sentence.
Thankyou prince_planet_2, infact I'm typing on my IPad now, so I'll go get that minechat, and if it doesn't work I'll contact an Admin, Thankyou...
Banned for saying banned when I wasn't here to say 'ban'