Kitpvp will lose allot of players :(
Thanks, it means allot :)
Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday its really appreciated :) <3
It's a tad immature that you have made an alt to say "no support" on applications, anyway it's your choice to do it :) Thanks for your feedback...
It's my birthday, I'm finally 14 yay
Have you got R13?
Put a bit more in for opprison and oppvp
Got a new internet today 5x faster than my old one :)
Don't know, sorry. We can can play some time if you want
Don't think there is any English (u.k) mods. When I come on after school there is no mods on :eh
Bump :)
You made me fall aha ;)
Your nice and lovely to be around, but we need to play some more :)
See you around allot, your nice, friendly and greet me if i come on the server you are on ;)
We have spoke a couple of times, need to play some time
Don't really know you, sorry :oops:
Seen you around an about but never talked to you :?
They aint that hard xD :)