We should skype some time <3
No support.! PS. Sort you'r grammar out, because I have seen many mistakes in the app.!!!
Your ingame name: Fluxninja The offender's ingame name:jettyman09 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming for someone to...
You still play mc?
I remember the day when I didn't care about pearls cause I could get them easy, now i don't want to use then :(
You still play kitpvp?
Why hasn't this been accepted?
This may be the last time you see my name on here
When you kill a p4 guy on kitpvp you don't want all the kit fight,kit commander junk do you? You want the pearls regens and diamond gear, I would...
As you see he says 10,000 but he only pays 10$ @xxxvan
1.Fluxninja 2. 8_bitMC 3. scamming in chat [IMG]
Support, you are: mature kind Funny Loving Helpful I think youre ready for the job :P
Thankyou cyp :)
Them days :)
I've quit kitpvp for a bit but this is true, people think they are the best cause all they do is instant health. People have donated for /heal and...
Hello skrub :> <3
In-game name? Fluxninja Scale of 1-10 how good are you? 8/9 Do you use P4 only? I only use p4 u3 depth 3:) :) Does your sword have knockback on...
Become an active member on here, then I may support the application :)