So your saying you won't rejoin if your mod app stays negative? :eh
@larrythebird101 ^
@KingAlex he wants it locked
so you wanna lock it?
could explain why? Maybe I could fix it.
how about you can buy plots off the mineverse shop?
Ok :D I was never that great at writing :s
Ok thanks for your opinion :D
.o. it just got 10x better its now a GIF [IMG]
have I fixed everything?
Ok what im gonna tell you might be a little scary because the unknown is scary. You know when you see something soooo great that you wonder why...
probably a haxers
well creative it is
darn >_<
oops :s
@canucksfan44 @12323emily Gravedug .-.
@canucksfan44 @12323emily can you apply as a mod for minigames?
Please! Everyone just stop. Can't you see he is having a hard time? If you want this to stop just stop picking on him.