Just pm me on skype and we will short it out
Killed btw ur 1v1 are u trapping me in a room and u have kill aura on
Hey killed do u rember when u said u would hack me and ddoss me u best be careful I got proof :)
So yeah I don't know what this means but help
So when i got god I lost my prefix and people have been saying make a report and Cyp will fix it and thank u Cyp if u do
Killed u stay at ur clan I stay with misspvp clan.now if u got nothing nice to say don't say anything at all
U know what
Killed u where all over misspvp a few weeks ago so don't talk .here's a good saying talk get hit
Why pixie
Can I join but I'm Aussie so I don't know what time it is for me
Hero me
Are they bad
Why mastertucker
Am I in or what
Do u go to school jarroy
Everything I mean
Well I think it's worth it but then I don't because I have been called a no life for having god.and they don't just say that they say exerting...
Cyp can u get rid of the soup from kit god and the rest please.and thank u if u did