This isn't going so well... I thought more people would support. xD
If you want to join this clan then you will have to leave your clan Private message me when you're titan so i can update this thread
Is no one supporting because they aren't a high enough rank.
[IMG] [IMG] [GOD] Oturner Admin: Member's: [GOD] Thnyan559 [Premium] Sir_Brandon_III If you want to have a chance of joining follow these...
xD You will not be given free items by mods or any other type of staff as that would be unfair and cheating.
Read what I put at the end of the sentence. The gamemode is called OpPvP so does it really matter if it's to OP?
Join what?
In OpPvP there's no way to repair armour apart from using an anvil but that's so 2013, I think it would be a great idea in OpPvP that the top 2...
Try getting hold of @CypriotMerks and he will be able to help I'm sure!
Did you try and use a different payment method or completely ignore the error message?
Go to your purchase history and take a screenshot and send it to him. Don't try fake the pictures' because that would be classed as fraud and...
Your ingame name: Oturner The offender's exact ingame name: EggBatt and LUNATIC__CULTIST A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Thanks, if you become an active member and maybe add some more detail in and make the presentation a bit nice I'll happily support! :) Thank you...
Thank you! I will be more active on the weekend I've been quite active today from about 14:00 to now 18:19 Thanks for the advice!
Sure thanks!
I had around 1500XP and around $1000 in OpPVP and its gone. This is my evidence for my XP [MEDIA] I don't have any screenshot or recording for my...
You put where is stead of was
Was where: Where are you.
Any evidence/proof?