I think you're lieing or stupid. Who spends $250 on a rank and uses a random email. I don't mean to be rude but that's a dumb move.
You may.
If they don't reply don't worry over 1000 people play mineverse every day they will have lots of emails. Noobcrew said over 1,000,000 people had...
Thank you!
Sure, as your awnser is neutral what do I need to improve on
Why there's no difference it just then takea longer to repair
Oh no hack
Just wait for him to reply @CypriotMerks
Oturner Ahniolator Advertising and spamming
Where are the hacks?
Oh you deleted the message thanks he was rather annoying. Want to join our clan? xD Valixta will be demoted on the 10th and then we will either...
What does this mean?
For now Valixta has been promoted to admin for now.
IDGAS my clan my rules.
I will be taking all the people that want to be admin and then randomly selecting I will be taking all the people that want to be admin and then...
Me I made all of it Try get others to join!
*Updated* list 03/01/2016
no you can stay on that I thought you ment you didn't play oppvp xD lol
No! you have to be on OpPvP not OpFactions sorry.
Oturner Quackasaur/Wave_X/Clawifier advertising/spamming