Thank you to all the people in game that have supported me it means a lot!
I'm sure no one cares about what rank I am but I put it in there to show how much I like the server. You gave me no support because I typed GOD...
Email the support email you might get a quicker reply than waiting for @CypriotMerks
Get @CypriotMerks to take a look by direct message or by the mineverse support email.
If you running windows click "windows key" and "r" and then type "%appdata%. Then go to ".minecraft" then "resource pack" and delete the pack.
God and Titan get the command. The command is available in spawn. The cool down is 30 seconds. The command is /fix. [Edited]
/fix would only be allowed at spawn, with around an 10 second - 30 second delay.
Then what is the use of the unbreaking 5 sign it all breaks eventually at one point... You spend lots of money on unbreaking 5 and then you can't...
:( moderator's would also have the command...
Become an active member on forums and ill support.
Im not being negative. I disliked what she said jeez talk about having your own opinion. That's what the comment's are for to comment.
What your doing if your lieing is illegal.
Fine ill open it up to all no ranks cant have admin thougj
Can you please TADS4 change it I agree tads4 could you maybe mension this idea to @cyriotmerks or @Noobcrew or something
Ok I would change my pol and title but i dont know how XD
So you used someone elses? Oh you upgraded... You never said.
So do we agree Titan, God, Supreme should get /fix with a 30 second delay?
See you don't even no how much you paid for it if you did Titan is $250
Because I dislike what you typed.