Support I used to play CTF before
Look at the vid where PPUNCH recorded us hes saying stuff like we got banned.
Hoi where you been? Playing kohi? :P
I dream about my dad coming home. But no. He never came.
Tis funnyyy
@VaMeSa123 you know I don't hack.
omg .-. I wasn't even hacking
Sorry. Id like a profile pic
Look at the start of the vid i hit him and he had no kb
Can you do like my skin and it would say XOXO. Ty my ign is xoxotoxicgirl
1.Your ign: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offender: eh I forgot the name but vid will show it 3.Evidence: [media]
Go dream about your mom instead of girls. Im sure she will be glad to help you out
We haven't 1v1ed in a while bby
"One time" pfft. I remember you saying countless times ill buy you Elite for nudes. Plz if you want to argue pm me.
Gonna upload 1v1 like on Friday xP
#VamIngo or RiMeSa :')
Active Member. Lol wot