This is th OP PLAYERS NOT OP PVPERS. The people in the club has a ton of sets and lots of op swords.
So I was wondering why mineverse has bad hit lag. I find it quite unfair that the people who has better ping can hit you a few blocks away. My...
Who r u
Ringo got way better.
Where you been haven't seen you on OP PvP anymore :o
Then stop complaining that he's so "loud" lmao
How is he loud? Did you hear him all the way to his house screaming?
KitPvP: @Oniontacobean OPPvP: xoxotoxicgirl That's the only servers I play on lol
Buddy you DDos threatened me lmao you also said my mom had cancer and you killed her. Ask @powerben1963 and @Legoman12g they both seen that.
IGN: xoxotoxicgirl Rank: VIP What rank I want: Elite Thanks for doing this :)
So laggy wtfffff
How so?
Best PvPers on OP PvP : @HAZARDgamer42 @twin_nic @Ringo24 @XOXO <3 @walruswaffles @CrisCoDGodd @powerben1963 Not in order ;) Best PvPers on...
Lion is good but he ain't as good as HAZARD, well they're both better than me on mineverse but on kohi .. Nope ;P
oh sorry :P
1. Your IGN: xoxotoxicgirl 2.The offenders ign: BladdyIdyat 3.What rule they broke: DDos Threats 4.Evidence : look close at chat [media]
Merry Christmas!!!
Gratz on Mod and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas HO HO HOOOOO