"MrParkourGuy, post: 134203, member: 918"]Note: Selling starter stuff on Skyblock is basically island farming. Please do not offer that. Thanks...
Yes Prince_planet
sadly im not
Nope. Im not a sexy sheep
Im A Sheep Im A Sexy Sheep I Like Climbing
Your ingame name: Dwarfs_Digging The offender's ingame name: DR_E0N A description of what rule they broke/how: They Were dropping arrows with...
Yes Please
//none it will take away the tools
Hope to see you too
Hey, Im Selling Premium, Premium -> Sponsor, Maybe Sponsor & Sponsor -> VIP If You Would Like A Chance Please Fill Out: In-Game Name: What You...
I Dont really think that i can do vip...
Lol OK :happy: xD
Idk, Sponsor probs
Pokemaniac: I love my nickname "Poky"
You suck a smily face with something in its eye? hmm :P Im not that stupid.
I think that last one was me :3 jk