henlo mr justin, welcome to mineverse
Brilliant show but not suitable for all our players sadly :pensive:
If you're indeed blacklisted from Tebex/Buycraft, you'll need to take it up with them as there is little if anything Mineverse staff can do from...
ily justin
hi! I believe the correct place for this would be here - as it's not a suggestion as such but a feature that isn't working! it'd be best if you...
is your profile supposed to be blurry o-o or are my eyes broken?
Looking forward to this! Thanks guys.
I believe survival is running on 1.16 paper (despite the world being 1.15.2) though I could be entirely wrong. You could try asking a dev on...
false. the person below understands condensation polymerisation and will add me on discord @sympa#0001 to explain it to me pls and thank u
As the application is not locked yet, support. I urge you to reconsider Disc, I am sure your hard work has not been ignored. I don't want to sound...
hihi. i'm a different manu btw, sorry for the confusion.
welcome back! i too joined in 2015, i wasn't particularly active - though i've started playing recently! looking forward to seeing you in-game...
happy birthday :)
Neutral*. I really doubt the sincerity of someone applying for moderator who also joins in on a conversation in agreeing with people saying the...
funnily enough I was just reading it and all its replies, some good points are made, though I can't say I agree with it all. I think the trouble...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: 1byte The offender's exact ingame name: Cented A...