Best story ever, i hope you will put me in sometimes :)
Evrywhere XD
This is horrible. first of all: mineverse dous not even excist 5 years and 11 months, there is no detail, no color, the grammar is EXTREMLY bad...
You have not been on here for that long, no support. no detail, no color and extremly bad grammar
No support. No details, no color and its not even in the right form...
Well first of all. You cant add minigames/create. And you should add alot more detail to ur reasons.
No support. A mod has to be able to talk english very well. First ur mod app wasnt even right made. Then you made a new one with no...
More detail, for the rest its awesome. support
The guy that scammed me got banned :) I didnt get my money back tho. ill probebly get it back if he appeals :)
1. LunaticMC 2. jbb858 3. spamming [ATTACH]
Its alrady 4 days and the mods still havent reacted on my report in survival :(
i know
Could u take a look at my report to tian15 then ? its on survival
Your ingame name: LunaticMC The offender's ingame name: charzdardX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: cursing[ATTACH]...
try it out and u see that it dous not exist, else i would be upgraded by now
There are just 3 reports in survival but they havent looked at it. I understand that the mods probebly have loads of work. but there are only 3...
Support, but add way more color and detail
must be a bug