No, its already better then premium and sponser it shouldnt be more op
Amazing idea
Your ingame name: LunaticMC The offender's ingame name: Monkeman15 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: advertising...
Knights of Badassdom. Best movie ever !!
Your ingame name: LunaticMC The offender's ingame name: Antvenom430 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Death warp...
Trying to get sheeps in skyblock but its so hard... Anybody got some advice for me??
How old are you? I ame 13 years old How long have you been playing Mine-verse? Like a month. What Time-Zone Are you in? Mountain timezone...
Just reported a hacker in kitpvp. He killed me twice with dia.. Rapidfire noobs...
Your ingame name: LunaticMC The offender's ingame name: adamnplay A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
It should be idk why jalrod did it in this
Good made. awesome. accepted
Well i have seen u in game already. Alot of people said u were mean. I saw u cursing... I have almost never seen u on skyblock. Denied
I became a god XD But i lost my free in prison while i purchased god...
i realy dont need XD
i dont need
i dont need that XD
Well. You gotta offer him some stuff. Im not a person that influences people that good XD
Well i allow u XD but u gotta make a deal with jalrod for that
Firo3000 Ur preaty badass. We would love to have u in our alliance. Accepted and granted lvl 20 'Cool Cat'