yes bro its annoying cause those keys are what keeps the economy going on op pvp
impossible i’ve killed him before nevertheless support
idk 13 bans i think is pretty good for a server that averages 60 players during the school week
only 4 u we will dance i know but it’s better than nothing lol
excuse me who are you
im the bad guy
i think a lot of the mods know what reach looks like. it’s simply a hit over 3 blocks. the hard thing is, people playing on different fovs and...
thanks, u are literally the cutest. gl finding a new job tho its hard
in ap classes you analyze documents and one of the most untrusted documents are autobiographies. it’s because the person who wrote it always seems...
thank so much bud! these are questions i did not think ab. as a youtuber my channel is really solely based on mineverse so to answer your...
why yes cutie i ask myself these same questions
incorrect i’m egirl because i’m loyal fr tho get ready for new op pvp montage tho (just a quick shoutout to me) reeee ok what i gotta do
you’re the cutest thank you
neutral, you arent the most active on the forums considering you have on about 100 messages and 5 positives.
resupport, i love the bold in your application btw. it brings out key points that people need to know.
support, also if i remember correctly water did damage to zombies as well so maybe they can add that too?
support, its super hard to level up besides voting
u look even cuter ;)
u know it