So I was right then. Well, someday it may happen.
That's both good and bad. It's bad because now we don't know :( It's good because it means that there's a possibility those players are properly...
He said a perm ban was pending. That was 6 days before LlamaHoe reported him again for hacking. We have no idea for sure if they intended to perm...
...How do you know he was perm banned?
I don't think that the /seen command shows if a player is banned or not anymore. If it does that is really bad news because for literally every...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. 2 Hackers: Skittlecrayzed marvelfan123 3. Hacking (anti-kb for both) 4. [MEDIA] Skittlecrayzed is hacking - its not lag...
You say bring it closer Swift says bring it further :|
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Lieutenant_Kaity 3. Hacking (killaura, anti-kb) 4. [MEDIA] It's most evident when she jumps off the stairs and I hit her....
Don't have any experience with hackers on that server but there are already lots of hackers here, including kit fight people who somehow hit you...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. iiLydia 3. Hacking (killaura) 4. If you pause it at the EXACT time I take damage you will notice there's no legitimate way...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. xXboredXx 3. Hacking (safewalk, killaura) 4. Here's the vid [MEDIA] His safewalk is at 5:31, and he may have aura at some...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. _wake 3. Hacking (anti-kb, killaura) 4. [MEDIA]
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Neckrosis 3. Hacking (speed hacks, killaura) 4. [MEDIA]