Come on @CypriotMerks, don't let us down...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. RoyalSalammander 3. Death wishes/suicide encouragement 4. I took a youtube video to show all the chat history. In short,...
I'm wondering if we can get it changed at all.
Support which side? This isn't even really a suggestion.
yay I'm a winner Still my greatest concern is that ArcherPvP which has a smaller playerbase (whenever I go on there there are <20 players) gets...
I think the mods will just ban said players and move on. I don't think Cyp has any plans for Bedwars just yet, though I wish he had.
I agree with one thing and disagree with the other. The staff does work hard. The server lags less then it used to. The mods don't get demoted,...
Cyp and Tanner are likely aware of these things but it's not high on their priority list. This is a shame because lots of the Bedwars issues could...
Well yeah, that's what I suggested, each consecutive ban gets an extra 2 days, so 10 bans mean a ban is 23 days. Maybe that's a bit too lenient...
Juhpihter is now JustANobody_. (yes that is his username) Swift was apparently tempbanned for rate abuse (which is a joke, obviously. It's so easy...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Creepers908 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. [MEDIA]
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Geyz 3. Hacking (anti-kb, killaura) 4. [MEDIA]
He didn't work on the map by himself.
Come on, there's no reason for this to not be added... I still don't know why it wouldn't be a good idea to take the old map and put it a few...
Still, making a post here and in this manner will not get you anywhere.
Since posting this thread apparently Erysion was banned.
You were banned after the argument, were you not? Either way, make a ban appeal. I'd be really mad too if I had spent 250 bucks...But it...