Report them, death threats (including "kill yourself") are bannable.
Yeah, you should add an FAQ that deals with the "items aren't showing" issue, and make sure you specify that the gold in Windmill is in the middle.
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Jayconfire 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4.[MEDIA] unspoken was your building partner... Anyways, support. I'm really sick of the current lobby, and we do need more explanation for newer...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. victorthecool 3. Hacking (anti-kb, killaura) 4. I hit him with the punch bow and he runs towards me smoothly. You know it's...
What I meant is you've been here for over 2 years now, though the account was probably really inactive. Still it means you aren't COMPLETELY new.
Thanks you for teh fellow
click your username, you'll see
A fellow wood bee niece
"Member since: Feb 3, 2014"
Most of the "members online now" at Minetime are people from here. It feels extremely awkward :P
So yeah maybe hacks should still be allowed there, or at least in limited quantities. Or maybe there could be a separate "hackpvp" server that...
Hmmm...Never thought of it that way. But still, are all hacks allowed? What if there are godmode hacks (like the people who AFK on kitpvp with no...
Wow. Well anyways, it ruins fun. They might be separate communities but it'd be nice to see what comes out. But yeah, personally MC is more fun...
Good. Why the heck would a server allow hacks in the first place? By hacks I don't mean those little hacks, I mean fly hacks and killaura hackers...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Bassylon 3. Hacking (waterwalk) 4. [MEDIA]
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. yellowboyswag 3. Hacking (speed hacks) 4. No way he can move that fast, and swift pots just don't work like that (they are...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Mary_Jane_ 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. [MEDIA] Eventually I broke this player's bed and then destroyed them later personally...
1. PrideDHomunculus 2. _VXS_ 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. Obviously not lag because he swings his sword and even moves a bit. [MEDIA]