Hi I'm completed on Parkour**. And sometimes, when i'm mega depresso expresso, I want to restart and give myself another challenge. But I can't...
Support ofc must. need. map. rotation.
already back bb
I actually enjoy this version better than 5 mins, I'm sure people wouldn't be a big fan of the gamemode if it was reverted to 5 mins. Don't want...
AYy, happy birthday man! Hope you have a great day! Sucks that your birthday is next to when school starts/just after school started
Thank you for promising and soon-to-be delivering Infection back on the network. All that's missing is the old vibe and energy it had in the...
no homo though, then sure
Thank you : D
thanksss :D
infection coming back though, would love to have an oldie with me ;)
ty I can definitely agree with your 50 second cooldown, just my only issue with that is the possibility of spamming it EVERY 50 seconds by a...
oh damn, im not doing as many as you are, roughly 25 a week, but with my other activities and plans, i can't keep up with it :( and RIP, thats...
ive been busy with work, really busy it seems at least this summer ive actually enjoyed not doing nothing at home
hmmm let me think about it later
Thank you Alisha! If you read tuber, you'd see that I put a 2 minute cooldown (it's even underlined.. :L) ty for support tho
Bumppp :(
For some users, especially non ranked users who do play and have gear and good weapons, don’t have much space in their echest to put everything,...
Yeah sure, I’d love to see supports being positive ratings - for one, it makes sense that supports can be associated to positivity, and two, I...
ohhh right, Australian stuff xd well hope school is going well though, in your last year?
hmmm how about later