Just the prefix
When you buy free your prefix will be all fixed :3
Gratz to all the winnerz :stop: :3
Don't lie. You were supposed to get god, not titan. This whole last month you have bin begging and begging for someone to get you god so you would...
Your ingame name: sebiathan The offender's ingame name: PaulonatorKs A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Being inappropriate...
Hey dood :)
Your ingame name: sebiathan The offender's ingame name: glitcher726 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Having more then 3...
Your ingame name: sebiathan The offender's ingame name: Lapis_Firestar A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Bye! :D
kirbyo32 Just thought you would want to see my versions folder after stating I hack in prison chat. Well here it is....
This isnt hacking :hilarious: All you do to get this vote spam is vote often but not log on and when you finally do log on it will say you voted...
Your ingame name: sebiathan The offender's ingame name: doctordistructo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: contraband...
:eek: Glaad is a girl?! mind blown
Wat :facepalm:
Stand on the plot and do /region info