no supporting peoples accepted applications isnt cool bro :(
I can't support at this time because I feel you should get more Well-Known before suddenly applying.
hey i remember when u were applying ah about 1 year ago now damn time goes by fast stay on the team
henwo janice
Bump. I think this thread should be sticked so Moderator's don't have to keep telling people to create a support ticket they can just link them to...
Support: D
im gae for u
u wrk for mojang boi?
Glad ur still here dude. Fr hope u stay for a long time on the team.
happy birthday:}
u need head mod so u can b with janice
congrats dual :)
gratz :)
janice is the oldest staff member still does meetings isnt that crazy
Real reasons why I don't support is inactivity fix that and delete your old bumps.
Hi, I'm Purge
You double posted again if youre sorry just make sure to try harder.
I'm changing to no support, You're lack of knowledge on forums makes me think what kind of moderator you'd be breaking rules. 1) - 2) -...