Thank you for the feedback. Bumpity bump! What's obvious & how/ what can I do to improve. @abbie anything else to gain support? @Red anything...
Try to contact normal moderators rather than staff managers. Moderators are more frequently on the server handling minor issues.
Support, you're more mature than most applicants currently.
Same omg
Support, I wish you the best of luck!
Support Good luck!
U on vaca already?!?
I explained why I no supported tho...
Within 2 seconds he replies to a support/no support. Ehem he was bandwagoning.
ill ban u little livestreamer
Support<3 Goodluck!! Your application is very neat you would make a good moderator.
No support firstly you're way to desperate and immature hating on @Lamborghiniii's application for no reason overall a toxic person.
<3 You to piggy!
Support, the application is very neat you would make a great mod! :)
Thanks for the feedback. i'll try harder :P