Taking out the scum I call "trash".
Can Elites use /heal on OP PVP?
Thanks for the follow pile <3
Blu. Make a Thread of your Farewells. And I hope I'm on the "Person who supported me the most" list
Plus what game type you currently playing?
Pile be serious.. What movie do you really want to watch?
Wait Wait Wait. Why are you saying that if you're saying your leaving? Is it your choice or someone else's?
Yes.. :(
Y U DO DIS?!? I just got Elite 2 days ago and you're quitting ;(
Magic are you a Supreme?
Well I'm not on the list of "People I miss playing with" but Bye Magic :( I remember playing on Skyblock and seeing your messages A LOT :p We'll...
Pile what movie do you feel like watching?
OMFG thanks PILE!!! ily 10x MORE NOW. + I'm following you now :D because of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT9qM99l9Yk
How did we not see that one coming? :P
Elite :D
I followed you :P
My goal is to get at least 10 followers. :/
Why so long blu? ;-;
Soo Not complaining. Do I know you? Lol usually someone doesn't follow me unless they have met me b4 :P
Lola were u upgraded to Titan because of top voter? I hate it when people use that stupid vote thing :/