Support. Commander Kit needs better armor..
50 Positive Ratings!! :D Thanks Guys! More please! :D
I'll see you soon well-known member.. If I get enough Positive Ratings. D:
Man that's an amazing idea I'm gonna do that for my favorite mod :> lol thanks. :D
ACTIVE Member!! :D:D:D:D #YouShouldn'tHave :3 c;
Dang It... #CheatsButWhatevs :p:D:rolleyes::>
Nuuu :(
I thought I fought you.. O_o Wanna Fight Now?
FML Never Mind LOL :sorry::sorry::(:grum::eh
#Fought #StillFighting #Help #Please :( :mad::eek::ah #BlackEye o.O
Noobcrew's skyblock.. lol :D
Yeah I Fan too. ;)
ikr Cyp Deserves every single POSITIVE RATING given to him. :> :D :)
lol Nice :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
Welcome to the Forums Nub :P :> Hope you enjoy your stay on the Forums and on Mineverse.
ooh I see.. still awesome anyways.. I play skyblock mostly :P :D :)
Unlucky. :>
NICE! I didn't even know mineverse had a teamspeak :P