What really makes me curious about AgentAndroid is how tf did he even get Mod if he does these certain things?!
^^ Face it guys, no need to complain anymore. His rate abuse, this sign of disrespect and lack of maturity proves that he'll be demoted soon enough.
No school Friday because of a break :D
They probably have noticed it but with 4 pages of screenshots, this will take them awhile :P
My alts new user is now xFlacko I feel my main accounts new one is inappropiate so thats why I only said my alts new name
Great moderator.
Old IGN: brianjm01 New IGN: HoesInMyBedroom Transaction Info/Screenshots of rank proof: Old rank: VIP
So my original user was brianjm01, and I changed it to HoesInMyBedroom but I'm not VIP anymore. I went on Opfacs and said hello but my name comes...
Hello :)
Hello there :)
Aye man we should talk again sometime :)
Wow man. We had good times on Kit! Take care then and goodbye :c
We should raid together again :P
To me, half the team sucks.
Love how it how you tell others to grow up yet you get so easily mad at little things over the internet. Youre the one that needs to grow up, "kid".