Wait a minute. So if you were ddosed or dosed for about five hours, how could you have made a deal with him/her to stop the attack if your...
I wouldn't say enemies, but it might start conflicts and tension with the students that failed the quiz and the person that didn't do their homework.
But, out of all consequences to choose, why try to make that certain person feel guilty about himself/herself because the class is mad at him/her...
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Nice 600 msgs.
brian_j__ add me
So in our History class for school, there's a rule that if one person doesn't do the homework assigned, everyone has to take a pop quiz on two...
Neutral... I don't know if I should support you or not. But this isn't my final decision.
Goodbye, and thank you to you also.
Hello! How have you been?
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Do you at least have one quote that can possibly motivate someone to push themselves further, especially beyond their limit?
There's also people building rooms with "cocaine" as trip wire hooks on black wool as a table and colored rooms with plants on the side that...
Support (please don't quote me)
Aye winter! Those good times we had on kitpvp. :)
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
"naked black guy humping a KFC bucket for dear life" xD @Shonal