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Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
Sadly not, sorry.
Sadly entries has closed but if there is a space for you i will put it in....
The issue has been fixed so you can now use the kit again. Thank you and closing.
No, sorry Rodeen, but you get to train a little bit extra.
With the judges for your category we are trying to sort something out as we know about this issue. It will be sorted before your round begins.
Done and also you will all be added to convos with your judges and categories and times and that will be explained there.
Do you wish to switch to this sunday?
Yours is on Friday 26th and I believe school is in session. Sorry if i am incorrect by that.
Yours will be around 4-7pm in your category.
The top 2 in each category get into the final round as well. So you don't need to be first just top 2 :p
Category 1 European/American (Judge Blackzone + TorchwoodRC)(Sunday 21st) Mrpronounce[GMT] TheCreeper[MTS] DerpyCraft88[CET] Deivid0ze[EET]...
No truces, no and you can free to pm me with all the questions and i will include them in the thread later.
Yes but no teaming during the game is permitted. So no helping each other.