I see that you say most mods know how to tell hacks. That's funny because I've been false banned 3 times for it by 3 different mods and you know I...
Ughhh make a lobby 1.7
It's cute how I can make you mad so easily. Exactly why no one wants you on the server and you should just leave now.
You don't even have decency. You're banned on Kit and I'm sure even though you want mod you won't get it because you're annoying. You provoke...
You should be a good mod and actually be active.
Nooo babe :(
Your ingame name: BlueCharmander12 The offender's ingame name: krishy10 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect...
50 to 100 ms is average. My average ms is 60-70
I agree, the hit detection on the server is so bad too, you have to be 1 block away from someone to actually hit them. All it shows is particles...
You're funny.
Hider is horrid
I should be the first cuh I can beat you with 9 hearts left boy
wat. he hacked a mod and used a command to steal people's enderchests. he didnt hack me lol my password has an encryption on it
Well you're lucky you haven't been on because Onion guessed a mod's password and took people's enderchests, including mine. and I was rich.
lol I use a Toshiba laptop, the only good thing is my mouse which is a Redragon Perdition and it doesn't even cost much.
Cosmic, I should be in this list