''Jeasus Christ'' Is A Swear if you guys didn't know, my parents told me that it was so as i was growing up i learned not to say it.
#point2 : dude if you read the thread of agent android, page 4 all the way down, cypriotmerks locked it. he even said it, #point1 : It was when i...
lol just found out that this was here xD, i'm going to read it first before posting.
i unbanned you when i got in the lobby :) if you still have a problem with other servers just pm me and i will unban you if it says that you were...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
can you get online so i can see if your Q?
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
but i will because it is your thread, so you can choose.
it was requested to be opened
I need proof, I can't see that your Q
ok i unbanned all of them, even others that weren't in this report. thanks for tagging me :)
ya i found out today xD now i have to unban everyone, ok getting to work.
Have you tried re-logging?
Do you have a screen shot of you with Mine A?
Ok, so now you just need to wait for him to get online? :)
Oh , are you full in your inventory to? If so then try finding a chest around the map that's hidden away from the other players so you can put it...