I don't remember, but I did wait a while for it, but it's worth it :)
Let's just not talk about this, ok, that wasn't an incorrect ban and that's final until kato decides
He told me that when he gets on his computer he would take a look at this.
I guess I'm not the only one that love's Taco Bell xD
Ok thanks :)
Let me check, maybe you messed up looking for the account xD
What's your IG so I can check if this is true
it's not against the rules so it's ok for now. this report is invalid.
@Rivendor i already tagged them on this help thread, no need to make another one
Sorry but we/ us 3 that you tagged, are not kit pvp mods, :( , but I will tag a few that are. @PandaBear__ @fryzigg @canucksfan44
I can't jump in-game, can you send me a screenshot if possible?
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
is your minecraft on hardcore? maybe that's why
sorry i'm not a global mod,we need it back so much. :( , i wish i could ban him but i can't, i will try getting another mod to handle this :)...
no problem :) that's what i do, and i will try getting another mod that's online to help you :)
sorry but i'm not a mod on kit pvp, if we get global mod back then i will respond to all the reports in a day , but for now i can't since i only...
what does it say when you type /is ?
sorry but mod's can't do anything about that, we don't have the commands to fix that, only @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
well it can be a threat to, since it could mean anything ,but i will ask some other mods if i should ban her or not :)
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.