what the heck
wwho are you...
big black balls
@alma what the hell you're cheating on me already?
@alma would you be interested in going out with me on a minecraft date?
alma i apologize, i meant to say you have a nonexistent pp brain @alma
im still waiting on that acceptnance letter. @jenice999 hello
because you have small pp brain
i have 14 messages, you can round that to 50 mesages. check. im definitely more than 2 weeks regeistesred on forums. check. i have skype. check....
what the heck this is too long to read. if you were a good staff member you would've just condensed down all the main points into like a sentence...
when do i get my acceptance letter
IGN: lamborghini Age: 20 Reason: I'm overly qualified for this minecraft moderation position, hands down. References / Sources: thesaurus...
what the heck is wrong with you. you cant just reject applications like that
who the frick are all these new staff members.
i know im 5 years late buddy, but hey :3 <3
im super og, probably older than a lot of these staff members.
i rememmber u