Hey Diddi, this is BMAN's application. Let me in the team cause i'm already teamed with you
I hope theres one thats like 50% off instead of 25%. They will make more money with 50% off
Ye, @PvPGurl__ , he wants his alt to get a vip rank. Could you do that for him for 3 of the stuff here?
She said shes coming on rn on da forums
Hang on, i'll text her. Shes probably out with her college friends or having a hangover lel.
ik someone who may... My sister PvPGurl__ may be able to.
I think he needs some ice for that burn.
lol, I like how you don't even care.
Googled... Stop googling the answers. There is no way your just getting these... Doubt it lel
Could you please add maybe a free rank? It would be great. Thanks Cyp <3. Maybe instead of free like y prime, x prime and z prime idek
BMANVT. Again. Sorry I am entering again. Forgive me <3
@Skillbill63 DOES NOT HACK. OMG. Why does he keep getting banned? He may have head movements but it all has to do with your computer. Take Stimpay...
My name is Jeffee. From 22 jump street.
Please don't commit suicide over a video game. Do everything you can from getting away from those thoughts. Those are the worst kind of thoughts....
Nuh, SkillBill is da beast
I have seen at least 1 mod stand up for himself and I give credit to him @Xelnagahunter I saw you standing up for yourself yesterday. I don't...
Such a good deal! Never seen one better.
Dude thats a horrible deal. I got 500k for 1k on kitpvp....