Pile ;( you don't even respond? I just get a Friendly rating.
Lol, I skyped you with alex8oli... OWNED. Lel, i'm bmanvt and I shrekt you. Remember?
Pile's so pretty. I wub here <3
Give this man a cookie
I feel like the first one was better, no offence.
Brazil, i'm not letting you leave. No just no. Unless you have another sick server, PM me the ip so I can chill with you. If you don't though then...
That song is terrible
Lol hes not really 49, its Zulfurq or whatever. Hes just ZALIZ
Sometimes when i'm afking by spawn i'm in ts doing the schmoney dance. Like bruh
I listen to rap. Lifestyle, Tuesday and much more.
Omg Ninja lol
AYE PILE, I would say you missed me getting easye banned on a lot of his accounts, you missed me get free on prison <3. You missed me get 8k on...
Like what stuff?
Nooooo EDDY, Don't leave brotha. I remember you taught me how to get hacks <3. If you left it would be terrible. Yeh, maybe I don't like half your...
What is your in-game-name: BMANVT How old are you : 13 What rank are you: God From 1to10 how good are you PvPing: 8 For how many hours do you play...
Fien. I'll apply later I guess.
He can't get banned for a username doe
I say everybody keeps there current rank but the rest resets!
I'm expecting you are charlie? Just admit it. If you are da mods can IP check you and you can get banned for longer. Bahumba ~Your Mom