BMANVT zaryop100, wildcatdog and rogier_1 [media]
OpPrison is still getting developed. Wait for a little while. Email [email protected] with evidence you are MVP on the other gamemodes and you...
I will make a deal once I earn moe money
This should be in HELP:
Dude, thanks to you. I'm now a level 4 on minecraft backward running. It goes Notch, Jeb, @SubZeroFinest den me </3
YOU ARE NOT LEAVING. You will make me cry </3. At least PM me the server ip you are moving to. It better not be mccentral or some laggy server.
Well, my girlfriend doesn't play minecraft.. But her name is Alita
Hey guys, this is probably pointless but i'm gonna skype with Stimpay, Fortunity, bouncyj and a few more on friday. CAN'T WAIT
Cool, well I do have a laptop as well, but i'll not get off topic. You're hella pretty.
Do you even have school? LOL. I always see you online when i'm in school... XD. But yw
So pretty.
Psh, I have Stimpays whole pack folder. THERE SO GUD
Same, well kinda. I see the regular prison as a better prison. I wish they would reset it though. Its getting a little to op
Ewww ^
<3. Look at the MSG I sent you bby doe