I don't do upgrades...
LOL. First off there are 7 billion people in the world. Not 600 billion. Second, you can't go to jail for being a "Cyber Bully." A few years back...
Farid is gooooooooood. Hate to admit it :D
I'm better then UncleUrnesto... He's really bad
Marloo, if you don't understand what he's saying its a no support. LOL
Well I'm sorry you feel this way. But I was not teaming. Smadi said don't kill Marloo and I did.
Hey Marloo, I have many reasons why I do not support this. -When I killed you, you threatened to ddos? Really. Then after I don't give your stuff...
'As he rages'
I'm pretty sure you just grave dug skid.
If I were admin, I would give myself 10000000000000000000 on kitpvp. I would give myself a ton of kit guards on prison and I would give tyrant...
Wait, waaaaaaaat? Titans get /god or /v? What servers? Errmerrgerrd
I like to hate on my 10 year old sister who thinks she's like 30 because she's annoying.
Just 8 moe hours ;(. I cri
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I would buy out kohi, shotbow, plasmahcf (so it could be back up) and be rich!
Bye guys <3