I don't even know. It was a little boy that said it and I found it really funny like 2 years ago LEL
The owner luvs me so he gave me it for 40 bucks <3
Congrats bud! You have really become a more mature person. {ALTHOUGH YOU DIDN'T RESPOND TO MY MSG IG WHICH IM MAD ABOUT} ~BMANVT
Guys, They can do a credit card check through paypal. They can then trace back to who the credit card belongs to. If there is another payment...
Hello people! So lately iv'e been wondering if people have been reporting me cause iv'e had 4 people say "recorded". Because of that I would like...
Whats all these new ranks? Like Experienced Member? I'm well known but how do I get Experienced?
Ima be fat after I eat all da cookiez in da world 1/2 way done
HAHAHA it will get me somewhere kiddo. BTW I am already dating someone as I said. Shes very pretty and shes da full package.
Mhm. I think you just are a dumb kid
Who ever said date someone over minecraft? No one here has brought that up