Your forums account name: Elrak The offender's forums account name: xXPVPKingsXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They...
hello, my name is elrak and my recent feelings for another member of this community have caused me to become gay. i hope all of you can make me...
1. Real name: Nicholas. 2. Nickname: Everyone calls me Nick so I guess that's my nickname. 3. Favorite color: Purple. 4. Gender: Male, I think....
1. Elrak 2. KingAlex 3. Warning me for nothing and being completely biased. 4. Okay, so there was this trolling incident from Scofu13 and this is...
Hello, my name is Elrak as most of you might know. I want to report the staff member, _KingAlex_. He's been in an usual mood lately, treating me...
Your forums account name: Elrak The offender's forums account name: CypriotMerks A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Like...
[IMG] congratulations ponyknight99 on mod! maybe taytertot37 can be mod too? plz it'd be so romantic cyp
Apparently, a new rule just came out that inappropriate names now get perm muted, which I believe is complete bullsh*t. I only have pretty much...
ign: elrak from iraq offenders name: mind_trap rule broken: being an 4. [IMG]
Hi, I'll be doing a voice tbh, I'm going to be extremely honest, by the way, I do not use my real voice ANYWHERE online. This may be deeper or...
1. Elrak 2. BAB199 3. Scamming 4.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Your ingame name: Elrak The offender's ingame name: Zombie__Creed A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking....
Recently, I got bored and went on this site and checked how many words per minute I could type, the highest I got was 96 but I didn't take a...
please add the mega douche rank so that people can get it thanks <3
Yeah, what I wrote above. I'll also be brutally honest so don't go around getting pissed off if you got a bad tooth bees honerst.
1. ixElric 2. DarklordPvP1230_ 3. Advertising an ip 4. [IMG]