Oh damn, I completely forgot skygrid existed. It was okay, why not. Now that player counts rose again in the past months, it might even be manageable.
AoT normie
You wrote exactly 1234 messages gg
I could finally have use for my kill aura again, support.
There were no rules, solving it by looking it up is not forbidden, huh? [IMG]
Oops. I got exposed again D: Monogatari is better ;)
This is the commitment Support, good luck
One's always desiring things he doesn't have. Let me put it like this. Anime is for us what Hollywood films are for Americans. Thanks!
Who said I'm not
I have never seen a rating ratio like yours before
You're cool n all, but I will stay neutral for now. The application is way to short. I don't really know you and if I had to judge by the...
Looks like my actions exposed my disguise... [IMG]
that's actually true and hello [IMG]
This is the actual reason: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FrequentDearBrant-size_restricted.gif
Is it wrong I picked my least favourite colour?
People like you are dangerous for society.