You mean something like this [ATTACH] Guys honestly, Paint is insane
Not that I personally would care about who follows me and who doesn't, but if it's that important to some people, I'll go with a neutral for now.
Agreed. There's no social media where this is added, would cause unnecessary drama.
Wow, great thread. Let's get into this. I will only include the animes I watched and find recommendable. Note, there are much much more animes to...
Heavy Metal, Rock, Metal, Metalcore, Viking Metal. Current favourites: Bring Me The Horizon - Parasite Eve, Chelsea Smile Slaughter To Prevail -...
This is a good point. Some materials from the Nether would be too easy to obtain, therefore too frequent resets could change their value...
Hello, hello, thanks. [IMG]
Thanks [IMG]
Look, I've seen some of it, I dropped it like 3 times and now I simply think that it is not worthy my precious time because its is bad.
As @mattenphew said: If there is no comprehendable, "reasonable" reason behind it, it is rate abuse and therefore will be removed upon request....
In that case, it is rate abuse (I know this is a thing, correct me if I'm wrong) and this is how it should be handled: -Block the user's ability...
If it would be "all the time", it would make sense to remove ratings. That's not the case. Anyway, accounts can be deleted. Also, you're being...
I think that it doesn't really matter. The person had a reason to dislike it when he was still around. If it isn't considered rate abuse, it can...
Had* , so false. :c The person below already threw up from intoxication.
False. In fact, I love snow. The person below has a driving license.