Never heard of it.. When does it stop..?
There aren't 15 months sir
How did you get 400 magikarp candy already geez i'm level 18 and I have like 165, I never have pokeballs when I see magikarps xD
No Support, just record someone if you think they hack, if you can't get footage, then they arent hacking enough for anyone to really care. And...
Support! This would be lit af. @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks @CypriotMerks...
You just have to lie about how you would help the server like maturity, there are a couple mature mods yet they all say mature, every single one...
Hacking makes games so much worse ;_; It is such a fun game if you play it fairly and now you're gonna get banned from it, rip. Just so you know,...
That is a weak gyrados ;_;
Exeggutor 1582 cp
i'm wet
You never really died on the forums tho
Support, this new filter is worse than child obesity
I wanna grow up and sing like nana the banana @Nanurz
What if I want ducklings
Support, The new kitpvp is so messed up lol, They say they make it EULA friendly, yet there are tons of things you only get from higher ranks......
Support, suggested like 100 times but no one really takes action.
No support, you shouldn't need short cuts, lots of people have made it without them.